Getting back into the swing....

It's always hard to get back into the swing of things after a long absence, but I'll give it my best shot. 

Between caring for a loved ones medical issues and this terrible heat we've had so far this summer, it finally took its toll on this woman. I've done nothing much but try to stay cool and relax my weary bones.Thank goodness things seem to be looking up now and I can get back spending more time on my writing. 

To top things off, my pc ended up in hospital and needed a small surgery leaving me with my daughter's old laptop for far too long. I've never been fond of laptops, so I was totally lost and extremely frustrated until it came home to rest once again on my cluttered desk. And yes, I did celebrate with a tall refreshing can of coconut water. Yumm! I wish I had discovered it a long time ago. My daughter says just one drink instantly changes my heat provoked foul mood. lol! If there's one thing that can put me in a mood, it's this Arizona heat.

Due to the sudden passing of my co-author's mother, the fourth and final book of the, "Mis-Adventures of Chance" series, "Little Man's Big Dream," has had a serious delay in being published. Hopefully it will be released by the end of the year along with "Bluebird! Bluebird!" the second book of my "Flitter, Flutter, Crawly" series. By the way, it's coming along beautifully! I'm very excited and anxious to share a preview of the stunning cover with you very soon!

I have other books in the works also, including one that has been near and dear to my heart for a very long time. I just might include a small hint in my next post. hee! hee!

Have a wonderful and blessed week.

~ C.J. ~